
For García, teaching is not only a place to introduce students to ideas from her research; it is an opportunity to rethink her research and to bring students into scholarly conversations as co-thinkers. Her courses focus on themes such as violence, memory, life, and urge students to think carefully and critically about colonial legacies, racial capitalism, Indigenous knowledge and activism, and more-than-human others. In 2012, García received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of Washington. 

Study Abroad and other collaborations

We are excited to return to our study abroad program in Peru! We hope to take students to Lima in June 2023, and to Lima and Ayacucho in June 2025. Stay tuned for application details! Those should be available in December 2022. 

In Seattle we also work collaboratively with students and other colleagues to create critical spaces for reflection, dialogue, and social change. See here for a recent collaboration at the University of Washington on the theme of “Monumental Reckoning: Unsettling Histories, Reimagining Futures,” between four faculty, twenty undergraduate students, and many other co-thinkers.